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2017-10-18 Exhibition: Lanzarote Girls, images to print finally delivered

I filled in for another photographer for the November exhibition at Foto Video Sauter in Munich on rather short notice and decided to show some images from my trip to Lanzarote last May. The final decision was on me but i had a fun rating contest with 50 candidate images running for a week and want to say Thank You to every one who participated and left some hearts.

The exhibition will feature 22 prints of five different models as well as additional photos including some making of snapshots and some island scenery shown in a slideshow on a large 4k screen.

Today i finally finished editing the last of the printed mages and uploaded them all for printing.

Here is the link to the official page:

The title image is called "Stranded on Mars" and is also shown on flyers and posters

Stranded on MarsWhen the spaceship of beautiful astronaut #katahe exploded while she was taking a shower, she barely managed to put on her sneakers, grab her cigarettes, a lighter, her sunglasses and a parachute and jump ship ...

and here is the slideshow with all 22 images